Steve and Alice did it again -- filled up our loading dock with bags of marvel-ocious books. So many bags of riches appeared, we called in Hercules -- our Marvel Mystic Superhero -- to sort 'em all out.
Steve and Alice, both respectable titans of the library world, have helped the Jails Service in countless ways.
Steve is our bookmobile librarian who regularly distributes books to women at the local federal prison. He also dons the Jails Librarian hat on occasion and takes books to the county jail. His service covers the last 30 years, so he's lugged a ton of books in his day and has the muscles (and bruises) to prove it. This Marvel action figure often wears a beret, adding a certain "joie de livre" to the day's deliveries!
Alice moved on from her stint as Jails Librarian to a neighboring county, where she developed a network of donors who fill bags or boxes over time in their own homes. Alice then collects the bags from these donors and brings them our way. She also attends booksales and gathers paperbacks on behalf of our inmates. Besides her own audacity to scare up such a wide range of books, her car also deserves superhero status. It rides so low to the ground, it barely clears the bumps as donation day approaches!
Hercules is on call for all future deliveries.
photo courtesy of Mystic Comics #3 (June 1940). Retrieved on February 8, 2009 from http://www.geocities.com/jjnevins/hercules.html